Learn HTML

Learn to build a web page from scratch and maybe - just maybe - open up a whole new world.

The first time I ever heard of The Internet, I  was in a parking lot at a party in 1996. A guy was asking me if my band had a website. I had no idea what he was talking about. At that point, I was a part-time cook and a full-time rocker (scroll down for a snapshot of what that looked like :). I lived in a dive-y band house with 3 other guys, and we still could barely pay the rent. But I was intrigued!

The journey of a thousand webpages begins with a single html tag.
— Ancient Web Design Saying

Learning to code opened up a whole new world

With the help of a good friend who herself was building a career on this new technology, I began teaching myself HTML. That turned into a career that I couldn't have imagined while I was stuck running the Fryolator. Being able to master a valuable skill took me from minimum wage schlub to middle class wage schlub and gave me opportunities that I would never have had otherwise.

Now I can share that knowledge with you! If you've ever wondered if you could code a basic web page, the answer is “Yes. Yes you can!” I've published a Skillshare video on beginner web design skills. Click the link below and have a look. If you aren't a Skillshare member, you can get two free months if you sign up using this link, and you'll have access to all of the classes that they offer: https://skl.sh/2EZp0Vu

Even if you are not “good at math” or have never coded in your life, this Skillshare class will show you how to start from scratch and in 42 minutes you will have made your first web page.

Feel free to share this link with any of your friends that you think would like it. Thanks!

That’s me in 1993… can you believe that hair?

That’s me in 1993… can you believe that hair?

Basic Web Design for Creatives, Visual Learners, and Everybody Else

Basic Web Design for Creatives, Visual Learners, and Everybody Else